

Powerful automations, seamless results. Automate outcomes to rate shop, pre-define boxes, select carriers, choose shipping speeds, batch workflows and more—reducing errors while saving time and money.

Boost Productivity

Brands experience up to a 36% increase in shipping output with automations.

Cut Costs

Save on label expenses, labor, and costly errors for more efficient operations.

Minimize Mistakes

Reduce costly, time-consuming errors for smoother fulfillment operations.

Easy Setup

Set up in 20 minutes and let automations handle the rest—just click, print, and ship.

An effortless setup that scales

Set up automations in less than 20 minutes with simple if/then statements. Choose your condition, name it, and save—it’s ready to run!

VESYL’s automations easily scale with your needs as your order volume increases. As your business grows, we grow along with you.

Automated, time-saving shipping

VESYL takes the manual work out of shipping. Once automations are set, all aspects of fulfillment are handled, from rate shopping to packaging or shipping service selection. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and ensure the best rates every time with a few clicks, saving hours each day.

Total control for streamlined shipping

Reorder, pause, or adjust automations to match your business’s changing demands—whether for a flash sale, holiday rush, or seasonal peak.

VESYL gives you full control of your workflow, making it simple for anyone on your team to ship orders smoothly and accurately, every time.

How it works

Automate the shipping process from checkout to doorstep


Seamlessly link your online store to VESYL for automatic order imports.


Automations will perform on these orders instantly and effortlessly.


Select orders and print to generate shipping labels and packing slips.

Frequently asked questions

How to create automation rules?
How to rerun automations?
How to rate shop between specific services?
How to set a residential flag with automations?
ALL Features

Integrate Your eCommerce Workflows

From warehouse management to marketing communications, integrate your entire eCommerce workflow onto one simple platform. Start streamlining your fulfillment experience today.  


Saranoni Luxury Blankets saves time with VESYL automations

"It's been a load off our plate to be able to just click ship in our system, and know the rules will run and the label will print.

VESYL has been a fantastic partner for us, we are so pleased with the partnership we have created. Rather than have to rate shop each shipment individually, our team trusts VESYL automations, and that in turn has improved efficiency, cut down on overtime hours, and made our busy season possible."

Matt A.
Director of Operations

Buy and print shipping labels anywhere, anytime