Secure Shipping: Tips for Brands to Protect Packages and Minimize Damage
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Georgina Monti

With an estimated 356 billion packages shipped worldwide in 2023, it’s no surprise that with this increase in online shopping, there has also been a rise in damaged, lost and stolen packages. However, it’s not the be all end all as there are a variety of steps brands can take to protect their packages and ensure they reach their customers in one piece. We’ve packaged these up with some real-life examples for you below.

Common Challenges with Shipping Damages

Shipping damages are a challenge for e-commerce businesses, manifesting in various forms such as physical damage to products, broken seals, and moisture-related issues. These damages can arise from inadequate packaging, mishandling during transit, or environmental factors. It all sounds straightforward however, when it comes to deciphering who is liable for the damages, that is when the headache can start. For damages associated with insufficient packaging, it often falls on the business, leading to financial losses, increased return rates, and the necessity for refunds or replacements. For damages due to mishandling, the liability can fall into the carriers hands, but it’s important to note this can be timely and not always successful. Moreover, shipping damages can severely impact a brand’s reputation, reducing customer trust and satisfaction. Frequent occurrences of damaged goods not only escalate operational costs but also diminish customer loyalty, making it crucial for businesses to adopt the tips outlined below.

Tips for Brands to Protect Packages and Minimize Damage

Invest in High-Quality Packaging Materials

There’s many areas where businesses cut costs, however, effective and robust packaging should not be one of them. Brands should invest in high-quality materials that provide adequate protection. This includes:

  • Sturdy Boxes: Use corrugated cardboard boxes that are correctly sized for the items being shipped. Oversized boxes can lead to shifting and damage, while undersized boxes may burst open.
  • Protective Padding: Incorporate bubble wrap, packing peanuts, or air pillows to cushion products and absorb shocks.
  • Durable Tape: Secure boxes with strong, adhesive tape designed for shipping. Reinforce edges and seams to prevent accidental openings.

Properly Cushion and Pack Items

Effective cushioning and packing techniques are crucial to preventing damage. Follow these steps to ensure your products are well-protected:

  • Wrap Each Item Individually: For fragile or breakable items, wrap each piece separately with bubble wrap, foam sheets or tissue paper.
  • Fill Void Spaces: Use packing materials to fill any empty spaces in the box, preventing movement during transit.
  • Double-Boxing: For highly fragile items, consider double-boxing. Place the item in a smaller box with padding, then place that box inside a larger, well-cushioned box.

Label Packages Correctly

Clear and accurate labeling can significantly reduce the risk of damage. Ensure your packages are labeled with the following information:

  • Fragile Stickers: Use “Fragile” or “Handle with Care” stickers for delicate items.
  • Up Arrows: Indicate the correct orientation of the package with “This Side Up” arrows.
  • Shipping Information: Clearly display the recipient’s address and contact information. Include a return address as well.

Choose Reliable Shipping Partners

The choice of a shipping carrier can influence the safety of your packages. Choose carriers known for their reliability and careful handling of parcels in addition to:

  • Insurance: Opt for shipping insurance to cover the cost of potential damages.
  • Tracking: Use carriers that provide tracking information to monitor the shipment’s progress and address issues promptly.

Leverage Package Protection

Leveraging extra package protection allows brands to protect their revenue and reduce the load for the CX team. Customers are able to add or remove the package protection from their cart at the checkout. If purchased and a package is stolen, lost or damaged in transit, the customer can contact the protection provider directly who will process the claim and issue a reorder or refund, without any extra cost to the brand or customer. This not only protects revenue, but also enhances customer trust and confidence, knowing if any issues arise, it will be resolved quickly and hassle-free.

For example, our friends over at Corso have a simple to use claims portal for customers and pride themselves on resolving shipping issues within 24 hours. 

Collect and Analyze Data

It’s tough to improve if you’re not measuring. By gathering data on damages such as certain items are damaged more than others or certain package sizes are being frequently damaged, brands can effectively adjust packaging methods. Not to mention, for new products or packaging, you can conduct test runs or even drop tests in house, to ensure they will reach your customer in one piece. 

In Summary

Securing shipments and minimizing damage requires attention to detail, investment in quality materials, and collaboration with reliable shipping carriers. By implementing these strategies above, brands can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce financial losses, and build a reputation for reliability and care. Not to mention, the key to successful shipping lies in the preparation and continuous improvement of your packaging and shipping practices.

How QR Codes are Revolutionizing E-commerce Efficiency
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Georgina Monti

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, efficiency is a necessity for brands of all types and sizes. From streamlining the shopping experience to optimizing logistics, every aspect of e-commerce hinges on the ability to do more with less. 

Enter QR codes.

The unassuming squares of black and white pixels that are quietly transforming the landscape of online shopping.

What are QR Codes?

QR codes, short for Quick Response codes, have been around for decades. However, their potential in e-commerce has only recently been fully realized. These two-dimensional barcodes encode information that can be quickly and easily scanned and processed by smartphones.

How Are QR Codes Revolutionizing E-commerce Efficiency?

Providing Seamless Shopping Experiences

One of the most significant ways QR codes are improving e-commerce efficiency is by streamlining the shopping experience for customers. Traditionally, online shoppers faced long checkout processes, especially when it came to entering shipping and payment details manually, resulting in a high number of abandoned carts. However, with QR codes, these steps can be simplified significantly. By scanning a QR code at checkout, customers can instantly access their account information, eliminating the need for tedious data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

Moreover, QR codes are being integrated into product packaging to provide shoppers with instant access to additional information. Whether it's product specifications, user reviews, or instructional videos, scanning a QR code allows customers to make more informed purchasing decisions without having to search for information manually. This allows costumers to have all of the information at their fingertips to make a fully informed decision. This also fosters customer trust, especially in industries where counterfeit products are an issue.

Optimizing Logistics

Beyond improving the shopping experience, QR codes are also revolutionizing the logistics of e-commerce. For inventory management, QR codes have become an invaluable tool for quick and simple real-time inventory information such as stock levels, restocking requirements and warehouse locations. This reduces the risk of both over and under stocking allowing brands to better prepare for customer demands.

Another area where they are making a significant impact is in shipping and delivery processes. Traditionally, shipping labels had to be printed and affixed to packages manually, consuming time and resources. However, with QR codes, this task becomes as simple as a scan.

Many e-commerce platforms now offer QR code-based shipping labels, allowing merchants to generate labels digitally and attach them to packages with ease. This not only saves time and reduces costs but also minimizes the risk of errors associated with manual data entry. With this, customers can now track their orders at every step of the way allowing shoppers to know exactly when to expect their package, as opposed to the 5 hour delivery windows often given. 

QR Codes are also proving their value when it comes to returns. Instead of having to ask customers to print labels and deal with printers, brands can send return labels directly to customers via QR codes. Removing the need for printers, customers can then take the package to the local drop off where the QR code is scanned on their phone, and the label is correctly printed and attached by the carrier.

VESYL provides the option for shippers to print their labels or download them as QR codes. This is not only a great option for streamlining returns, but also eliminates the time associated with printing and attaching labels to packages. Learn more about our shipping software or book a quick demo with us.

Enhanced Marketing Opportunities

In addition to their operational benefits, QR codes also present exciting marketing opportunities for e-commerce businesses. By incorporating QR codes into materials, such as advertisements, flyers, or product packaging, brands can engage customers in interactive experiences.

For example, scanning a QR code might lead customers to exclusive discounts, promotional offers, or interactive content, fostering brand loyalty and driving conversions. Moreover, QR codes can be used to gather valuable data about customer behavior and preferences, enabling brands to tailor their marketing strategies more effectively.

Once customers have received their order, QR codes are an effective way to encourage customers to share their feedback and product reviews. 

Looking Ahead

From simplifying checkout processes to optimizing logistics and enhancing marketing efforts, QR codes offer a vast range of benefits for both stores and customers alike. By embracing this technology, e-commerce businesses can stay ahead of demands and deliver exceptional shopping experiences in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Best Practices in Return Logistics: A Complete Guide
min Read
Georgina Monti

With the average return rates for e-commerce stores between 20-30%, according to Shopify,  return logistics can no longer be overlooked. Not only does smooth returns enhance the customer experience, but also removes costly and timely bottlenecks for brands. In this guide, we'll dive into the world of return logistics, exploring best practices and strategies.

The Importance of Return Logistics

Return logistics are the processes involved in handling product returns, exchanges, and refunds in the e-commerce ecosystem. The inability to touch, try and see items in person first, make returns an inevitable part of e-commerce. Whether it’s due to sizing or fit issues, a defective or faulty item, or a number of other potential reasons, providing a smooth returns process can enhance your brand reputation, customer loyalty and give you the competitive edge. Think of it as the brand's opportunity to shift a negative experience into a positive and memorable one. 

Best Practices in Return Logistics

Clear and Transparent Return Policies

A clear and transparent return policy removes the guesswork and lets your customers know exactly what to expect if they need to return or exchange an item. This increased transparency builds trust with customers and leads to loyal customers. 

The return policy should be easily accessible on your website. Some brands choose to include it in a drop down menu on the product listing itself along with sizing and product information. This enables customers to make informed decisions without needing to search the website or contact the CX team. 

A clear and transparent returns policy needs to include:

  • The time frame for returns and exchanges period. Most customers expect a 30 day return policy.
  • The conditions required for all returned products.
  • If you have different policies and requirements for different products, make sure these are clearly outlined and communicated. 
  • Clearly outline any return costs. Free returns are a big draw for online shoppers. Brands can also outline different costs for different return reasons, such as the customer is required to pay the return fees if the reason for return is that they changed their mind. However, for a faulty or damaged product, the brand covers the return fees. 
  • Give clear step-by-step instructions on how customers can initiate a return. Include key information about whether they need to return the item in the original packaging, where they can locate the return label and once again the condition the item needs to be returned in. (For more straightforward returns, leverage VESYL’s QR codes, allowing customers to download the QR code and take it to their local drop off point, without needing to print any labels.)

Simplified Return Processes

Streamline the returns process by providing multiple return options like online returns, in-store returns, or drop-off locations. This accommodates varying customer preferences and situations, ensuring convenience and flexibility. For example, Amazon's "Online Returns Center" simplifies returns with a user-friendly interface, allowing customers to initiate returns swiftly and effortlessly. By diversifying return channels and leveraging user-friendly platforms, businesses can optimize the returns experience, reduce friction, and ultimately foster stronger customer relationships. Brands can also leverage returns software to centralize return tickets in one place, provide a simple user interface for customers to use and provide detailed information on the progress of the return. 

Within shipments on VESYL, under actions, you can create a return label on a shipment, allowing you to quickly and easily get return labels over to your customer to return an item.

Efficient Return Handling

To optimize efficiency in return handling, it's essential to invest in streamlined procedures that minimize processing time and costs. Automation tools and dedicated teams play a crucial role in managing returns promptly and accurately. By leveraging automated return processing systems, like ASOS does, businesses can efficiently handle high volumes of returns, mitigating manual workload and reducing processing time. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also ensures timely resolution for customers, leading to improved satisfaction and retention. Embracing technology and implementing efficient workflows are key strategies to increase efficiency in return management, ultimately driving better outcomes for both businesses and customers.

Encouraging Exchanges Over Returns

By offering incentives such as free return shipping labels for exchanges or store credits, businesses can incentivize customers to opt for exchanges, retaining revenue and fostering positive relationships. For example, brands can offer a gift card for a slightly higher value than the original purchase to encourage customers to continue their journey with the brand. Finally, by leveraging easy-to-use exchanges software allows customers to quickly pick the product size, color or type they wanted to exchange for. This streamlines the process by reducing the need to speak to a CX representative and providing the customer with the options at their fingertips.

In Conclusion

With the increase in online shopping, the demand for excellent customer service and quicker resolutions, mastering return logistics can set your brand ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape. By implementing best practices such as clear return policies, simplified processes, and encouraging exchanges, businesses can streamline their return logistics while providing exceptional customer experiences. Remember, prioritizing exchanges over returns not only reduces the strain on your team but also strengthens customer relationships, ultimately driving long-term success.

5 Strategies to Tackle Business Seasonality
min Read
Georgina Monti

Black Friday, Christmas, summer and winter all provide peak sales opportunities for businesses of all kinds and sizes. But what happens when those seasons and events are over?

Businesses face unique challenges due to fluctuations in demand during off-peak periods. However, by implementing effective off-season strategies and adapting to these fluctuations, businesses can maintain sales and drive growth year round. In this article, we'll explore five effective strategies to help businesses navigate the peaks and troughs of demand.

5 Strategies to Tackle Business Seasonality

Collaborate with Other Brands

Collaborating with complementary brands can be a fun and effective way to expand your customer base and offerings to generate revenue during the off-season. By partnering with other businesses that target a similar audience but operate in different seasons or industries, you can cross-promote each other's products. For example, a sunglasses brand could partner with a ski or snowboard apparel brand to offer a complete winter bundle. This not only increases exposure but also provides added value to customers.

Stay in Touch With Customers

Maintaining communication with your customers is key to keeping your brand top-of-mind. By leveraging social media and email, brands can provide relevant and valuable content, along with exclusive offers to keep them engaged and interested in your brand, even when they're not actively purchasing. Combine this with the other 4 strategies in this article, and you’re well on your way to year-round success.

Create a Loyalty Program

Loyalty programs are a powerful tool for retaining customers and encouraging repeat business. Brands can offer rewards, discounts, or exclusive perks to incentivize loyalty and keep customers coming back. For already loyal customers, implement tiered loyalty programs with special benefits and privileges to help them feel valued. Not to mention, it’s an effective way to increase customer lifetime value and average order value. 

Offer Special Promotions and Discounts

During the off-season, brands can use special promotions such as free shipping, discounts, bundles or limited-time offers to incentivize sales. Create a sense of urgency by highlighting the savings and emphasizing the limited time on the offer. This not only helps to boost sales, but also helps to clear excess inventory ahead of the next season. However, it's important to offer limited time offers that do not affect the perceived value of the brand.

VESYL serves up the best-in-class rates year round so you can pass those savings on to your customers, or offer free shipping without it eating into your revenue. 

Diversify Product Offerings

Expanding your product offerings can help to reduce the impact of seasonal fluctuations on your business. For example, a womens footwear brand could focus on sandals in the summer, and boots and slippers in the winter. By diversifying your offerings, you can attract customers and generate revenue even when demand for your primary products is low.


Seasonal fluctuations in business are inevitable, but with the right strategies in place, these off-peak periods can become excellent opportunities for growth. By collaborating with other brands, staying in touch with customers, creating loyalty programs, offering special promotions and discounts, and diversifying product offerings, businesses can thrive year-round. 

Looking to lock in the most competitive shipping rates year round? Book a demo with VESYL today.